Welcome to these pages of audio. On them you will find stories from these villages telling of life in days past.

The stories are categorised as "Agriculture", "Village life", "Church", "Local Area", "War time", "finding love" and "local characters" - though of course many of the stories overlap different areas.  Please select the category you are interested in from the drop down list and click the "change" button.

Thanks to Clare Perkins for her work in asking the questions and prompting the answers. 

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Title Author Date Recorded File Size
A Magical Christmas Day Lesley Dean 5th December 2020 1.94 MB
Description of a Christmas Morning
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Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Stanford Temple and Stanford Church John & Lesley Shew 1st January 2020 2.59 MB
Stanford Temple above Noverton Farm used to be lived in by the Estate Game Keeper and how Stanford Church was relocated to accommodate a lake.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Dairy Farming in Rochford David Powell 30th November -0001 592.55 kB
A Rochford farmer reminisces about changes in dairy farming
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Peter Sparey and John Lane reminicse Peter Sparey and John Lane 30th November -0001 11.28 MB
Peter started farming aged 15. He talks about war years, working with horses, killing pigs. John reflects on the agricultural supplies store in Stanford
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
A life in Rochford Cliff Johnson 30th November -0001 14.35 MB
Cliff talking about starting school in 1931, meeting the girl who was to become his wife when she was six, playing cricket on the main road
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Tales round the kitchen table - bantam cockerels chicks baled shoes and movement Roger and Jane Delahay 30th November -0001 8.79 MB
Roger and Jane talk about impossible bantam cockerels, a yard over run by chicks, baled shoes and movement licenses
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Mixed farming at Rochford Dan Taylor 30th November -0001 5.85 MB
All kinds of now rare breeds on this farm bee keeping a dead donkey and visitors from Birmingham
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
100 years of farming at Eastham Stuart Ward 30th November -0001 14.27 MB
Stuart reflects on changes in agriculture forgetting the horses at Worcester Hop Fair little sleep during lambing and inadvertently taking the neighbours sheep
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Rochford Churchyard and Church Dan Taylor 30th November -0001 8.06 MB
Stories about looking after the churchyard and why the door curtain and the wiondow on the north wall matter
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Hanley William Church Roger and Jane Delahay 30th November -0001 533.67 kB
The church and its links to Hanley Court
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
A shaft of sunlight on a grave Mike and Jean Harrison 30th November -0001 1.31 MB
A shaft of sunlight shows where Jean Harrisons grandfather is buried in Hanley William churchyard
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Nomadic singers a travelling church choir Mike and Jean Harrison 30th November -0001 4.56 MB
getting together to sing
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Rochford refurbishing the village hall as part of pastoral care Mike and Jean Harrison 30th November -0001 2.31 MB
The old school in Rochford has a new lease of life and is a place where the pastoral team provide lunches where all can get together.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Isolated living in Deaths dingle Stuart Ward 30th November -0001 811.22 kB
A former prisoner of war lived in a house in Deaths Dingle. You walk past it on the Eastham long walk.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Hanley Dingle Roger and Jane Delahay 30th November -0001 982.65 kB
Hanley Dingle has a special micro climate and rare plants. Walks from Hanley William enjoy views into the Dingle
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Deaths Dingle or De Aths dingle David Spilsbury 30th November -0001 2.86 MB
Deaths dingle or DeAths dingle, killed by a wild boar or what
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Ron reminisces about wartime boarding school Ron 30th November -0001 3.96 MB
Ron reminisces about wartime boarding school bread with lard salt and pepper but he still did not want to come home
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Changes in farming over 30 years Maggie Kingston 30th November -0001 247.25 kB
Maggie reflects how what she sees growing in the fields has changed over 30 years
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