Stanford History
The new church was built in 1769 by Sir Edward Winnington, in the Strawberry Gothic style - unusual for a rural church. The old church was pulled down together with six cottages so that a lake could be formed as part of Sir Edward’s parkland in front of Stanford Court (below the church).
It is known locally as the church amongst the daffodils.
Stanford, though its stonework is starting to be in bad repair, is known for its stain glass - two examples of which are shown here.

When the church was built, monuments from the earlier church were moved to the new site. In need of repair, they were restored in 2013 with support from Heritage lottery fund. For information about the monumnets please follow the link from the photos

Winnington memorial

Salway memorial
In the porch their are two doors, one leads to the bell tower, the other pictured here leads no-where and in fact is a plaster replica !

British History Online page for Stanford is here