We believe that all children and adults in our Parish regardless of age, gender, disability or ethnic origin have a right to be protected from all forms of harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Here are a number of national contacts:
- Childline: 0800 1111
- Age Concern UK: 0800 678 1602
- Local Police - non urgent: 101
- If you are in immediate danger: 999
As a Parish we are committed to the well being and safety of everyone who uses our churches. If you have any concerns about safety and safeguarding, or would like to talk to someone about an issue, here are some useful contact numbers:
- Our Priest in Charge - Rev'd Julia Curtis on 01886 853286
- Our Parish Safeguarding Officer - Sue Softly on 01584 881342
- Our Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser - Hilary Higton on 07495 060869
- A member of our Pastoral Team - click here to go to their page