The PCC (Parochial Church Council) is the governing committee for the parish.
We oversee the running of the churches, taking a view of the whole parish. We aim to pool the best ideas from within our own community, as well as learning from those around us so that we can support every individual in the area.
The parish is a separate legal charity, and the PCC members are the trustees of that charity. They are therefore the trustees of all seven of the TVS churches and have a role to play in overseeing how they are run. Local ACCs (Area Church Committees) do a lot of the day to day work and we work hard to ensure that there is good two way communication, co-operation and support between them.
The PCC consists of the following members
Revd Julia Curtis (Chair)
Pete Thorp (Lay Vice Chair)
Ann Prosser
Norma Goodall
Alexandra Winnington
Anthony Winnington
Andy Nichol
David Ward
Celia Adams
Ed Yarnold
Sara Geggie
Sue Softly (Co-opted PSO)
Revd Sally Jones
Revd Jen Jones
In attendance: Revd Robert Barlow